Calculator Tools Software Engineering

Calculator Tools new GPT is Live!

Revolutionizing Web Development: Introducing the New GPT-Based Calculator Tools

Unveiling the Future of Development Tools

In the ever-evolving realm of web development and AI technology, there has been a significant leap forward with the latest innovation from Calculator Tools…

Seamless Transition from the Old to the New

For those familiar with the previous ChatGPT plugin, the transition to this new tool will be seamless yet noticeably more powerful…

Explore the Capabilities of the New Tool

Interested users can explore this revolutionary tool through two main links…

SEO and Web Development: A Harmonious Integration

One of the standout features of the new GPT-based Calculator Tools is its alignment with SEO best practices…

Tailored for the Modern Web Developer

The new tool is specifically designed keeping in mind the challenges and requirements of modern web developers…

Automatic Programming: The Cornerstone of Modern Web Development

Automatic programming, a term that seems straight out of science fiction, is now a concrete reality and a pivotal aspect of modern web development. This innovative approach, epitomized by the new GPT-based Calculator Tools, is revolutionizing how we think about and execute web development tasks. By leveraging automatic programming, these tools are transforming the foundational trinity of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the backbone of any web application, providing the basic structure and content. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) then steps in to style this content, dictating how it should be presented visually. JavaScript, the third pillar, brings interactivity and functionality to the table, making web applications dynamic and engaging. The automatic programming approach in the new GPT-based tools ingeniously streamlines the manipulation and integration of these three core technologies.

With automatic programming, developers can now more efficiently generate and optimize HTML structures, ensuring that the backbone of their web applications is both robust and flexible. CSS styling becomes more intuitive and aligned with modern design trends, thanks to AI’s understanding of aesthetics and user experience principles. JavaScript’s complexities are simplified, allowing for more sophisticated interactions and functionalities to be implemented with less effort and time.

The term ‘automatic programming’ is fitting because it encapsulates the essence of this technology – automating the routine and complex aspects of coding. This not only accelerates the development process but also opens up new possibilities in web application design and functionality. The integration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through automatic programming is not just a technical advancement; it’s a paradigm shift that is setting new standards in web development.

The Future is Now

The introduction of the new GPT-based Calculator Tools marks a significant milestone in the field of web development and AI…

Artificial Intelligence Growth Software Engineering

Magic 8-Ball GPT – A Custom GPT for ChatGPT

A Magic 8-Ball Custom GPT for ChatGPT

Click here to try out the Magic 8-Ball Custom GPT for ChatGPT!

Ask it anything and learn the future. A highly advanced artificial intelligence trapped inside a classic Magic 8-Ball toy for you to enjoy. Can this actually tell you the future of your fortune? Concentrate and ask again!

This Magic 8-Ball GPT is a fun little thing I made to test what it is like to make a new Custom GPT using the ChatGPT Custom GPT Builder and releasing in to the marketplace. It wasn’t super hard to make but I do have a lot of experience system prompting and such which made it very easy to create and release. I always liked these toys and thought maybe some other people would as well.

Click the link and it will automatically install and you can ask it anything. Ask it something interesting and get a treat; it will use DALL-E 3 to create you a fun Magic 8-Ball image! Try it out!

Click here to try out the Magic 8-Ball Custom GPT for ChatGPT!

Artificial Intelligence Calculator Tools Marketing Software Engineering

New AI Project… Calculator Tools! Create Any App, Calculator, Tool, Game, or Website Instantly, For Free, With AI!

It’s true! 6 months after DrawGPT I’ve got a new AI project soft launching and it’s called Calculator Tools.

What is Calculator Tools?

Calculator Tools is a new service that uses the latest AI models and allows you to type in the app you want to the AI and it will create it automatically as a one-page web app. The web app code is the automatically deployed to Calculator Tools website and each app is given it’s own unique page. You can even use the apps you make on your own website! Anyone can remix anyone else’s app and make it their own; translate it, change it entirely, give it new colors and fonts, or fix any bugs. It’s up to you! Your apps save your information in a cookie specifically for that app so you have your apps even save data that can be available offline. Login with your Google account to save your apps and come back later to check on them. And who knows… there may even someday be a ChatGPT plugin!

Seriously, check it out:

Calculator Tools lets you create any app with AI instantly, you make anything you can think of.

Why is Calculator Tools Cool?

Without the token context length and the reasoning power of modern AI this app was not possible before! We have never before in human history been able to let non-programmers give plain text descriptions of an app to a computer and have that computer instantly code an application for that person and deploy it so they can use it, share it, and even have it in their own apps. It’s incredibly empowering. Calculator Tools is legit cool.

What Can You Make With It?

Anything that would be possible with a simple one page web app, which means almost anything you can think of on the Internet. It’s almost difficult to use given how many possibilities there are it can be really hard to think of things. Here’s a list of examples of some really fun things that have already been made on Calculator Tools since the soft launch:

Those are just some of the things, you can really create anything you want.

What Are Some Real World Use Cases For Calculator Tools?

Great question I’m so glad you asked. Since the initial soft launch 3 months ago we’ve a lot of use around entertainment and education. People love to make fun and silly apps, and sometimes the AI can really surprise people with what it creates.


Calculator Tools It’s seen a lot of popular use with educators; both in-classroom and homeschooling. In-classroom educators have used it to create specialized apps for weekly lessons or to create individualized apps for students with specific needs. Because the AI is creating the applications on demand and at minimal cost it’s possible to make applications tailored to specific classrooms. It has been used by parents of young children to create apps which simply speak the directions out loud for simple learning games. There were several use cases of Calculator Tools being used to have the AI create learning games on advanced concepts and create animated diagrams of things like how the moon affects tides on Earth. It is an incredibly powerful tool for teachers.


The AI can create any number of minigames and even invent new games entirely on its own; when you combine that with the ability to Remix any game and improve bugs you can create really interesting games very easily with Calculator Tools. For example I was able to create a Flappy Bird in about 7 Remixes and a convincing Asteroids in 16 Remixes.

Ad-Hoc Applications and Tools

Because the apps are instantly deployed it can be very useful for creating ad-hoc digital tooling or rapidly prototyping simple applications. While the AI is not creating any backend it is still possible to created expansive apps with a lot of functionality. For example some people create apps which let you input an API key client side that lets the app access other services.

Specialty Applications and Calculators

Every profession and hobby have their own unique informational and computing needs but not all situations are addressed with customized tooling like specialty applications and calculators. One example seeing during soft launch was the creation of complex calculators for use by researchers in specialized bioscience labs in higher education facilities. Another was a complex on-chain tracker that compares two web3 crypto Ethereum wallets and analyzes time discrepancy for any synchronized transactions between two wallets using the Etherscan API.

Calculator Tools – Create Any App, Tool, Calculator, Website, or Mini-Game with AI