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Cursor – The AI First IDE That Is The Future

You Need to Try Cursor, the New AI IDE and Code Editor

Github Copilot is amazing and of course we’ve all been riding high on it for almost a year now. But it’s not quite perfect and it certainly doesn’t do a great job existing code. On top of that it’s not the best “rubber duck” (if you aren’t familiar with the development term check it out) and you may find yourself workshopping ideas with ChatGPT and flipping back and forth.

Enter Cursor, the AI-first IDE for programmers that solves all those little annoyances of having your LLM off in a different part of your website.

How Is It Superior To GitHub Copilot?

Well, for one, it is inlined in the IDE (integrated development environment) just like Copilot so its a competitive feature. But it isn’t necessarily that you want one or the other at the moment. The big difference is that Cursor allows you to highlight code and use the keystroke Command + K to open up a prompt textbox. This prompt textbox will call to GPT voa API for code completion and use the current selection as the context

That alone would be a differentiator on Copilot as Github Copilot was a trailblazing product but lacks the ability to edit code well. You can tell Cursor was made by devs for devs because the responses from Cursor are inlined in to your code as a diff and you can choose to Accept or Reject the diff. That’s essential for editing existing code which is most code. This is really why Cursor can call themselves and AI-first code editor.

So It is Different Than Github Copilot?

Yes! It offers a lot of features that Copilot is missing and directly wires ChatGPT in to the IDE. By pressing Command + L you open a chat window where you can discuss the current code with ChatGPT. This is huge vs. the copy and paste routine many of us have been going through to discuss code with ChatGPT. One of the greatest parts is just being able to open a prompt and ask, prior to this you had to write a bunch of comments in for Github Copilot to act on.

How Expensive? What Is The Price of Cursor IDE?

Not bad honestly. You can use your own OpenAI API Key and they give you some calls for free every month. I went through my free calls all in one day because I was trying it out and trying to put it through its paces but its been excellent. If you want this kind of inline AI IDE action (and you do) then what they are offering right now is great.

Is It Tough To Migrate From VSCode?

NO. I was so stoked on this part. All of my extensions and everything from VSCode imported automatically and magically it all worked. Not even joking, actually happened. All of your VSCode Settings and Extensions and workflows should move over nicely

Are They Paying You For This Review?

No but they should be.

What Went Wrong? What is Wrong With Cursor?

I am not a huge fan of the default color palette. Very weird, the highlighting being the color of the background for collapsed code blocks is just unusual.

I also had to rebind the command that triggers the calls to GPT. At first Command + K did nothing for me; then I checked the keybindings in VSCode and that was already the keystrokes for 6 other commands. I do not frequently use Cmd + Shift + K so I rebound that as it only has 1 one other keybinding.

My Org Is Big On Code Security…

Sorry, this is not the product for you… at work.

What Is The Link To Download It Again?

EXACTLY. You need this in your toolchain as a developer. I’ve already switched over to using it as my primary IDE. Click here to get Cursor and start using AI assisted development right now.

Artificial Intelligence Journalism Software Engineering Tutorial

GitHub Copilot – VSCode – Add New File Extensions, File Types, and Programming Languages for Completion

This article is a short description of how to add new file extensions, file types, and new programming languages to your GitHub Copilot extension in VSCode.

Since you are already here I will assume you know what GitHub, VSCode, VSCode Extensions, and VSCode Extension Settings are.

By default the GitHub Copilot Visual Studio Code Extension does not have all completion enabled for all file types. For example, if you want to add .txt files or .yaml files or other files like that you can do so easily with the extension settings.

Step 1 – Open The VSCode Extension Settings

I did this by opening Settings and searching “copilot”.

How To Enable or Disable Copilot for Other Programming Languages or File Types? What Languages Are There?

If you click the tiny link that says “languages” you get sent to an extremely helpful website that has documentation for exactly what languages are supported. Generally speaking the language that you choose dictates what file extensions it supports.

These are called “Language Identifiers” by VSCode.

Click Here to See the Languages GitHub Copilot VS Code supports.

Remember: Github Copilot Does Not Support Every Language

They support some subset and it changes. Try your best to find a Language Identifier that works with your file extension.

Github Copilot Doesn’t Support My File, File Extension, or Programming Language

It might! Read some of the VSCode Language Descriptions carefully and see if they apply to your filetype.

There Is No Way For GitHub Copilot To Support .txt Text Files?

Oh but there is! It is done by putting the VSCode Language Extension called Plaintext in the correct place in the GitHub Copilot VSCode Extension Settings.

Click Edit in settings.json

This will open up the GitHub Copilot section of your VSCode Settings JSON file.

Add Your Language Identifier

In this example we want to add our .txt files for completion so we add the “plaintext” language identifier to our settings.json file and set it to “true”.

Yay! You Have GitHub Copilot VSCode in New Files!

Your to-do lists can now complete themselves.