Artificial Intelligence Journalism Software Engineering Tutorial

Evolving Errors – New Error Patterns In Remote Services, APIs, and Software With AI Agents

AI Agents Create New Types of Error Patterns in Remote Services, APIs, and Software

This article is about how AI agents manifest new errors that we have not previously been facing in computing and software engineering.

Why Are These Errors Novel?

Widespread use of authorized 3rd party AI agents interacting with your API or system remotely on behalf on consumers or businesses have not been widespread, high-volume, or using higher levels of threaded AI reasoning until the release and promotion of the OpenAI GPT Store.

With the introduction of conversational, threaded AI agents available to all consumers comes brand new ways errors can occur on your servers. Once the AI agents are calling to your services expect to see things that traditional functional algorithmic programming simply wouldn’t do. Some of these errors are similar to errors or attack vectors already in existence; the fundamentals of 1’s and 0’s still remain, but the novelty in this situation (novelty like new, not novelty like fun) is that these errors have reshaped and will manifest in strange new ways.

Let’s look at some generic ways AI agents manifest new types of errors in your server logs.

Error #1 – The Fake ID


When an AI exceeds its context window it may have dropped the tokens of system IDs it got from your server. On subsequent requests the AI will spontaneously generate incorrect type-correct remote system IDs.

Error Process

  1. User triggers AI agent to fetch the data of their latest post from the server.
  2. The server responds with the latest post and the latest post’s ID number.
  3. User uses AI agent to edit the content of the post.
  4. The action of editing the post causes the AI agent to exceed the input token context window and the post ID is dropped as a token.
  5. The user completes editing their post and instructs the AI agent to upload the edits to the server.
  6. The edited post content is sent to the server and in order to correctly form the request the AI agent generates a type-correct value for the ID.
  7. The request is rejected because the ID is incorrect.
  8. The AI agent is unable to adjust and fix the error as it no longer has access to the remote system ID, and it ultimately ends up in a failure state for the action.


Previously computer programs did not spontaneously generate type-correct remote system IDs client-side.

Real-World Impact

    • You may accidentally overwrite entirely different objects or entities.
    • You may see a large increase in “incorrect ID” related errors in your server logs.
    • You may need to introduce AI directives to cache or store important IDs.
    • You may need to additional validation code.
    • You may need to additional confirmation flows.
    • You may need to introduce AI directives related to caching or repetition of of important IDs within a process to keep them in the token context window.

Error #2 – Acts of Creation


When an AI exceeds its context window it may have dropped the tokens of system IDs it got from your server.
On subsequent requests the AI will recognize that it does not have an ID and attempt to make a call to create a new entity or object. This can cause a number of issues depending on the type of object being created.

Error Process

      1. User triggers AI agent to fetch the data of their latest post from the server.
      2. The server responds with the latest post and the latest post’s ID number.
      3. User uses AI agent to edit the content of the post.
      4. The action of editing the post causes the AI agent to exceed the input token context window and the post ID is dropped as a token.
      5. The user completes editing their post and instructs the AI agent to upload the edits to the server.
      6. The AI agent recognizes it does not have an ID and calls to a creation endpoint, thereby creating a new article.
      7. The request is accepted and the post is duplicated.
      8. The AI agent is unable to get the original system ID and continues to spam the creation endpoint.


Previously computer programs in editing mode did not spontaneously switch to a creation mode.

Real-World Impact

      • You may duplicate or recreate objects and data erroneously.
      • You may see a large increase in calls to creation methods.
      • You may need to introduce AI directives to cache or store important IDs.
      • You may need to additional validation code.
      • You may need to additional confirmation flows.
      • You may need to introduce AI directives related to caching or repetition of of important IDs within a process to keep them in the token context window.

Error #3 – Gobbledygook


An AI may correct generate part of a data structure for a request but may send along type-correct nonsense for the rest of the request.

Error Process

        1. User triggers AI agent to fetch the data of their latest post from the server.
        2. The server responds with the latest post and the latest post’s ID number.
        3. User uses AI agent to edit the content of the post.
        4. The action of editing the post causes the AI agent to exceed the input token context window and the post title is dropped as a token.
        5. The user completes editing their post and instructs the AI agent to upload the edits to the server.
        6. The AI agent recognizes it does not have a title for the article and generates a title to properly form the request.
        7. The request is accepted and the title is erroneously changed.


Previously computer programs did not spontaneously generate type-correct nonsense client-side as part of request packet creation.

Real-World Impact

        • You may edit or overwrite data accidentally but not fail any type checks.
        • You may need to introduce AI directives to cache or store important parts of objects and entities.
        • You may need to additional validation code.
        • You may need to additional confirmation flows.
        • You may need to introduce AI directives related to caching or repetition of of important data within a process to keep them in the token context window.

Error #4 – Make Fetch Happen (aka AI Stampede)


If a request fails the AI will not back off from making that request again (unless you give it an explicit directive to stop retries.

Error Process

          1. User triggers AI agent to fetch the data of their latest post from the server.
          2. The server responds with the latest post and the latest post’s ID number.
          3. User uses AI agent to edit the content of the post.
          4. The action of editing the post causes the AI agent to exceed the input token context window and the post ID is dropped as a token.
          5. The user completes editing their post and instructs the AI agent to upload the edits to the server.
          6. The AI agent generates a post ID and it is incorrect.
          7. The request fails but the AI agent has no directive to stop retrying so it continues to make the request infinitely.


Previously computer programs would fail on incorrect requests and not continue to retry them unless explicitly programmed to do retry requests.

Real-World Impact

          • You may DDoS your own server.
          • You may tie up your AI agents and models processing the same request over and over again.
          • You may need to introduce AI directives to cache or store important IDs.
          • You may need to additional confirmation flows.
          • You may need to introduce AI directives related to caching or repetition of of important data within a process to keep them in the token context window.
          • You may need to introduce AI directives to stop retrying requests.
          • You may need to introduce ways to terminate AI agents or request processes.

This Is Not A Comprehensive List of Errors

These are real-world errors I have encountered in my own work with AI agents including developing with ChatGPT Plugins, Custom GPTs, BabyAGI, and AutoGPT.

There are likely many more errors that can occur and these errors will manifest in their own novel ways depending on your systems.

Calculator Tools Software Engineering

Calculator Tools new GPT is Live!

Revolutionizing Web Development: Introducing the New GPT-Based Calculator Tools

Unveiling the Future of Development Tools

In the ever-evolving realm of web development and AI technology, there has been a significant leap forward with the latest innovation from Calculator Tools…

Seamless Transition from the Old to the New

For those familiar with the previous ChatGPT plugin, the transition to this new tool will be seamless yet noticeably more powerful…

Explore the Capabilities of the New Tool

Interested users can explore this revolutionary tool through two main links…

SEO and Web Development: A Harmonious Integration

One of the standout features of the new GPT-based Calculator Tools is its alignment with SEO best practices…

Tailored for the Modern Web Developer

The new tool is specifically designed keeping in mind the challenges and requirements of modern web developers…

Automatic Programming: The Cornerstone of Modern Web Development

Automatic programming, a term that seems straight out of science fiction, is now a concrete reality and a pivotal aspect of modern web development. This innovative approach, epitomized by the new GPT-based Calculator Tools, is revolutionizing how we think about and execute web development tasks. By leveraging automatic programming, these tools are transforming the foundational trinity of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the backbone of any web application, providing the basic structure and content. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) then steps in to style this content, dictating how it should be presented visually. JavaScript, the third pillar, brings interactivity and functionality to the table, making web applications dynamic and engaging. The automatic programming approach in the new GPT-based tools ingeniously streamlines the manipulation and integration of these three core technologies.

With automatic programming, developers can now more efficiently generate and optimize HTML structures, ensuring that the backbone of their web applications is both robust and flexible. CSS styling becomes more intuitive and aligned with modern design trends, thanks to AI’s understanding of aesthetics and user experience principles. JavaScript’s complexities are simplified, allowing for more sophisticated interactions and functionalities to be implemented with less effort and time.

The term ‘automatic programming’ is fitting because it encapsulates the essence of this technology – automating the routine and complex aspects of coding. This not only accelerates the development process but also opens up new possibilities in web application design and functionality. The integration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through automatic programming is not just a technical advancement; it’s a paradigm shift that is setting new standards in web development.

The Future is Now

The introduction of the new GPT-based Calculator Tools marks a significant milestone in the field of web development and AI…

Calculator Tools Software Engineering

Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin Is Live, Make Any App In ChatGPT With No Code.

As the title says the new Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin is live in the OpenAI Plugin Store!

Whoa! What Does the Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin Do?

Once you install the plugin you can tell ChatGPT to just “make me an app that does __________” and it will make it for you! You can literally make any app you want with AI.

Calculator Tools Makes Any App With AI Instantly?

Yep! And with the ChatGPT plugin it will do any simple web app for you right from within the ChatGTP interface. Just tell ChatGPT to make an app for you and it will! It will instantly be online for you to share and the link will be in ChatGPT for you.

Can It Makes Calculators, Tools, Apps, Websites, Animations, 3D, Fullscreen, Games, Minigames, and Everything Else?

Yes! It’s all the same to the AI. You can use Calculator Tools to build any app you want have ChatGPT do it for you with no code necessary. You do not need to know how to program with Calculator Tools new ChatGPT plugin, just like Calculator Tools the AI will do all the programming and deploy your app right to the Internet.

How Do Install the Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin?

Follow the link!

Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin

What Does ChatGPT Say About the Plugin?

Let’s ask, here’s what it says…

Revolutionizing the No-Code and AI Landscapes with the Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin

The age of the no-code movement is not just knocking on our door, but it has entered our homes and is reshaping our digital ecosystem in an unimaginably efficient manner. And now, introducing the Calculator Tools ChatGPT plugin, an unprecedented breakthrough that is seamlessly intertwining the worlds of no-code and AI to help you generate any app you want, instantly.

The beauty of this new approach lies in its simplicity and its potent power to democratize the app-making process. With no-code technology and generative artificial intelligence models, we are stepping into an era where everyone – not just coders – can be creators.

The Ultimate Synthesis: No-Code Meets AI

Imagine being able to create your dream app without writing a single line of code. Sounds too good to be true? Not anymore! With the Calculator Tools ChatGPT plugin, you can tell the AI, “make me an app that does __________”, and voila! Your vision is transformed into a reality in no time.

Powered by state-of-the-art AI, the plugin transcends the bounds of traditional app development. It streamlines the process by generating apps on command and bringing them to life. This is what we call a true blend of no-code, AI, and generative capabilities, which transcends the traditional boundaries and limitations of application development.

Seamless Generation of Wide-Ranging Apps

The Calculator Tools ChatGPT plugin is not just about calculators. It is an expansive toolkit for generating an array of applications, including tools, animations, 3D visualizations, fullscreen applications, games, minigames, and much more. This generative AI marvel doesn’t discern among different types of applications. It simply executes your commands, making the entire app creation process a breeze.

The plugin’s magic doesn’t stop with app creation. It also ensures that your newly created app is deployed instantly on the internet. You can share the app with your audience as the link is conveniently provided within the ChatGPT interface.

User-friendly Installation Process

The Calculator Tools ChatGPT plugin installation process is as simple as it gets. All you need to do is follow this link and follow the instructions. As you venture into this realm of no-code AI applications, you’ll realize that creating apps has never been easier.

I Would Say ChatGPT Likes the Calculator Tools Plugin

Pretty glowing review from ChatGPT itself.

Save To Your Own Calculator Tools Account and Save Your Apps

Because the Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin uses the OpenAI ChatGPT Plugin OAuth hooks you are able to save all of your apps from ChatGPT directly to your Calculator Tools account. You can come back and access them at any time, share them with other people, or Remix them on the Calculator Tools website. It’s easy to create your perfect app and have ChatGPT help you get started.

Become a Programmer: Code At Your Fingertips

Like all websites, apps, plugins, games or whatever you make with Calculator Tools the simple code for the web app, including any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, are always available for you. On top of that Calculator Tools lets you embed anything you create on your own website by just copy & pasting. Visit the page for your app and you’ll see the link to copy; no programming necessary, use Calculator Tools apps you created in ChatGPT with the plugin on your own WordPress blog or your business’ website just like any other app created with AI using Calculator Tools.

In a Nutshell

The Calculator Tools ChatGPT plugin is your window into the future of no-code and AI. It leverages the generative capabilities of artificial intelligence to fulfill your app development needs, sans the complex coding and deployment processes. Whether you want to create a simple calculator or a sophisticated 3D game, the plugin has got you covered.

Join the revolution of no-code AI app development today. Embrace the simplicity, convenience, and creativity offered by the Calculator Tools ChatGPT plugin, and watch your vision materialize before your eyes!

Click here to install the Calculator Tools ChatGPT Plugin and read more.

Artificial Intelligence Journalism Software Engineering Tutorial

GitHub Copilot – VSCode – Add New File Extensions, File Types, and Programming Languages for Completion

This article is a short description of how to add new file extensions, file types, and new programming languages to your GitHub Copilot extension in VSCode.

Since you are already here I will assume you know what GitHub, VSCode, VSCode Extensions, and VSCode Extension Settings are.

By default the GitHub Copilot Visual Studio Code Extension does not have all completion enabled for all file types. For example, if you want to add .txt files or .yaml files or other files like that you can do so easily with the extension settings.

Step 1 – Open The VSCode Extension Settings

I did this by opening Settings and searching “copilot”.

How To Enable or Disable Copilot for Other Programming Languages or File Types? What Languages Are There?

If you click the tiny link that says “languages” you get sent to an extremely helpful website that has documentation for exactly what languages are supported. Generally speaking the language that you choose dictates what file extensions it supports.

These are called “Language Identifiers” by VSCode.

Click Here to See the Languages GitHub Copilot VS Code supports.

Remember: Github Copilot Does Not Support Every Language

They support some subset and it changes. Try your best to find a Language Identifier that works with your file extension.

Github Copilot Doesn’t Support My File, File Extension, or Programming Language

It might! Read some of the VSCode Language Descriptions carefully and see if they apply to your filetype.

There Is No Way For GitHub Copilot To Support .txt Text Files?

Oh but there is! It is done by putting the VSCode Language Extension called Plaintext in the correct place in the GitHub Copilot VSCode Extension Settings.

Click Edit in settings.json

This will open up the GitHub Copilot section of your VSCode Settings JSON file.

Add Your Language Identifier

In this example we want to add our .txt files for completion so we add the “plaintext” language identifier to our settings.json file and set it to “true”.

Yay! You Have GitHub Copilot VSCode in New Files!

Your to-do lists can now complete themselves.