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Hello World 2: The Continuation

This is a reboot of the old blog at this URL, but the old blog posts haven’t been transferred over yet!

The old blog was very old & it was time to move it to a newer location to make the hosting and use of WordPress a little less cumbersome.

If you are looking for some of the programming help articles, or any of the other help articles from this site’s old blog, please be patient! Hopefully the old posts can be revived at the new location shortly.

Create A Blog

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! – Back At It Again With Them Random Websites, Damn Daniel Remix

It is Impossible to Resist the Damn Daniel Remix so Try

Listen to the Damn Daniel Remix. I don’t know why I’m obsessed with getting in on the weird Internet shit that goes down but I decided to to an entire .com about the #DamnDanielRemix phenomenon. I went around collecting some of the best Damn Daniel Remixes around and put the all on one site at There’s the original amazing club banger I looped while I was making the site and then some other versions as well: rap, trap, dubstep, and tons of genres.

Why Damn Daniel? What is Damn Daniel

Seriously? If you don’t know about Damn Daniel you don’t know anything about the Internet. Its pretty much going down as one of the most major viral sensations on the Internet in 2016. You can see the original on the site. For some reason I’ve been saying it endlessly, I’ve been playing the remix endlessly, and I wore white Vans in the skateboard marathon last so young Daniel really speaks to me. I was obsessed, now I’m over it, but I had to make the Damn Daniel Remix website first to quench my thirst. Stay thirsty my friends.

Did You Not Click Yet? Find the Best Damn Daniel Remix at #DamnDaniel!

The Domain Tool Onslaught Continues With a Typo Generator!

Typo Generators Are Fun Algorithms and Good Times

Oh yeah, its true, Domain Check just launched a brand new Typo Generator on their site to make sure you can get every single misspelling and typo error of any word you could possible think of… as a domain. It won’t be long before this Typo Generator is in the WordPress plugin as well and will be able to do domain checks and typo domain name lookups. Its common to generate typo domain name for big brands and typo tools are a fun game of string manipulation and algorithms. In the end the results are kinda fun to look at but when you realized the number of possible typos for longer words you can see its pretty expensive for brands with longer domains.

Want to Get Technical With Typographical Errors?

Because that’s what going on here and over at the Domain Check Typo Generator. Using the Damerau–Levenshtein distance, the computer science algorithm that basically says you have fat fingers, this set of typos is over 80% of all known typos. Anything outside of this boundary of typos are unusual or edge cases. Even Google search doesn’t do a good job covering those and will often prompt for unusual things or other suggestions. Speaking of Google suggestions on typos, the Google suggestions which relies heavily on the Damerau–Levenshtein distance to prompt correct answers for misspelled search results likely had a major impact on traffic to sites relying on organic typos. Whomp whomp. In fact the real place this method of typo detection is proving itself useful is in form field validation. Detecting typos in email addresses and domain names on sign up forms, or correcting for common misspellings on known data like states and countries.

Typos have funny effects. If you like puns and Dad jokes then the ultimate typo is for you: there is a technical term for when a typo turns the original word in to another word. That’s called an atomic typo!!! One of the reasons typos are so common has only recently been brought to light through Internet urban legends, widely shared email chains, and now virally shared social media posts. This is the curious case of Typoglycemia: you’re able to correctly read a sentence composed of nothing but typographical errors just fine as long as all the letters for each word are there. Typoglycemia is essentially autocorrect in the human mind.

I cdn’uolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg

Atomic typos will be seen by the human eye and mind because they are a complete word. Science has no word for when the typo makes a word nonsensical but creates a new, sometimes unintentional or vulgar word within the outer or nonsensical word. We’re calling them subatomic typos. When a typo creates a word within another word the human mind sees the word in the middle, that is a subatomic typo. While there is no scientific study on subatomic typos yet, they do occur. When a typo generates a new word in a word it causes the human eye and mind to focus on the recognized word within the middle of the word. Instead of reading the whole word via typoglycemia the inner word is recognized because the pattern of a correctly spelled word trumps the outer typoglycemic word. The inner word will always be shorter in character length than the outer word, making it more easily recognized than a longer word. This effect is also noticeable without typos when either compounding words or truncating two words and combining them. Subatomic typos are only slight less atomic, but no less destructive, than their atomic counteparts.

Typos Can Be Treacherous and Teacherous – Tips for How Brands and Businesses Can Use Typos And Avoid Typos During Marketing and Advertising

Typos can be incredibly embarrassing for brands and businesses. Typos in brand messaging, advertisements, communication, signage, or social media make the brand appear inattentive, non-domestic, unprofessional, under qualified, and/or of inferior quality. Typos can break the character of a brand during customer support sessions. Typos, misspellings, and incorrect grammar are some of the most notorious pieces of troll bait. Typos in online media or social networks where users can respond will invite negative messaging, (“trolling”, “trolls”, and “cyberbullying”), regardless of content or tone. Other customers and users will inevitably see these negative comments and will internalize that negativity with the brand.

Brand names, domain names, product names, and naming in general is one place where typos can really help or hurt a business. As discussed above with Domain Check Typo Generator you can get all of your brand’s typos, misspellings, and typo domain names. Covering those bases can get customers in the door instead of letting them hit a wall. Brands with common typo URLs, either in the domain name or in a subdomain that point to the correct place can be seen as helpful, competent, useful, caring, and/or providing a personalized experience. It is common to create new startup or product names by combining shortened versions of words so be aware of common atomic typos and subatomic typos during creative naming and brand identity brainstorming sessions. Watch your incoming search keywords, internal site search keywords, customer support tickets, and incoming client and customer emails to identify common misspellings, typos, or general misnomers being made with your products and brand. Autocorrect and suggested searches on form fields for things like typoed URLs, typoed email, and typoed search will improve conversion.

With the increase in brand communication to customers typos are slightly more acceptable than they were; a single typo will not ruin your brand’s entire image. On faster and ephemeral social media platforms typos are routinely ignored. Celebrities often tweet typos, though celebrities with clean, intelligent, perfectionist, pious and/or authoritative public personas, characters, or active roles may actively avoid typos in communications. Some characters embrace typos to convey a particular persona. As the title of this section suggests, a good typo can make a funny; it might not be grammatically correct but it gets the point across. With modern small phone screens and fat fingers some typos, and their resultant autocorrects, have become memes. There are entire comedy sites dedicated to autocorrect and typos.

Speaking of typos, who decided to put the ‘s’, ‘e’, and ‘x’ keys that close?

Missed The Link to the Typo Generator? Click Here To Play Around!

Just When You Thought the Internet was Safe Here’s Trending Domains!

Domain Check Added a Nifty Trending Domains Page

If you caught the earlier post on the recent birth of the impish Domain Check Twitter account then you’re in for a treat; Domain Check has just released a full page dedicated exclusively to trending domain names. This is basically a view for the same data set of trending topics, hashtags, and breaking news that the Twitter bot pulls on to create the tweets. Each day the previous day’s trending domain names are archived so you can aimlessly page back through the domain name ideas and laugh at what a full site dedicated to some of these trends would be like. Its also an easy way to go back and find a trending domain that may have caught your eye earlier from the Domain Check Twitter or the Domain Check Facebook.

Let Other People Be Creative

It can be a bit of a pain in the ass to get creative with a brand name or domain so its always good to have some extra help to get the creative juices flowing. Just paging through a few days worth of amazing Twitter hashtags may very well be enough to kick your brain in high gear or at least get a few chuckles. Its definitely a fun tool, check out the trending domains at Domain Check

Missed the link? Click here for Trending Domain Names at Domain Check!

A Troublesome Imp Is Born: Domain Check Autotweeting Trending Topic Dot Coms

Domain Check Now Tweets Available Trending Dot Com Domain Names

Before you go any further, be sure to follow it @domaincheckplug

As you would expect with anything retweeting anything from Twitter the results of the available .com domain names from the Domain Check Twitter Bot are predictably hilarious on occasion. Thankfully the Domain Check Twitter Bot is just a reflection of what is actually happening on Twitter and not tweeting this ridiculous stuff on its own. Some of the hashtags and trending topics it retweets are actually pretty good and a few of the domain names flirt with staying power. Its surprising what’s taken and what’s not registered yet, everything from gems like to

Gotta Stay Relevant

Definitely worth following Domain Check on Twitter for a few days, and since its a quick thing to digest with no clicking necessary it makes the .com names it puts are are like good one-liners

Domain Check Twitter if you missed the link, @domaincheckplug

Domain Check Plugin if you want to look up domain names and SSL certificates

The Grand Olde Case Monkey Design Your Own iPhone Case Revival

How Case Monkey Does The Best With Design Your Own iPhone Case

Just recently I dusted off some stats from one of our oldest brands, Case Monkey, the design your own iPhone case site. Case Monkey has been around for years and has a lot of fans, and that means it has some great stats and analytics. I specifically wanted to deep dive in to the seasonal trends and see what’s out there. What I found was that our initial marketing strategy to create a custom phone case site based on the target phrase “design your own iphone case” had paid off. Over time that phrase has maintained a pretty consistent position with regards to Google Trends and traffic analysis. As long as we keep having ever model of custom iPhone case, we seem to do great. The rest of the trends seem to follow the same seasonal trends as any other custom product.

Design Your Own iPhone Case” vs “Design Your Own iPad Case” With Case Monkey

One of the best things we did for Case Monkey was to let you design your own iPad case. While iPad sales represent approximately 10% of the total sales of iPhones we find that iPads almost always need a case. We create the most durable custom iPad cases and that causes people to come back over time to get new iPad cases as they upgrade. Having the quality product over years has really helped Case Monkey compete as a top tier “create your own iPad case” brand.

How to Sell Cheap iPhone Cases Without Being Cheap

Even though Case Monkey has the lowest prices on cheap cell phone cases and bulk cell phone cases and wholesale cell phone cases you never want to make your brand actually cheap. We kept creating the best quality custom cell phone cases for the lowest prices we could… while still keeping fast shipping and a durable product. Over the years our competitors ended up failing by taking the idea of “cheap cell phone cases” too literally and creating a bad product with unfavorable shipping. Thanks to our commitment to quality at Case Monkey the data shows we’re able to compete with cheap cell phone cases from anyone but still maintain a customer base over years.

New WordPress Plugin is Live! Check out Domain Check

Just Launched a WordPress Plugin: Domain Check!

One of the reasons this blog has been lagging behind in awesome content is because its been building up a backlog of awesome content until this moment because Domain Check has launched! Domain Check is a WordPress plugin born of my own needs from years of working at web companies. You have no idea how complicated it gets when you have multiple, possibly hundreds of, domains and SSL certificates all coming up for renewal with various internal properties and clients and what’s parked and what shouldn’t be renewed… you get the idea. There’s no comprehensive tool out there for managing your domains within your WordPress admin, so Domain Check was created.

Domain Check Features

A quick overview of Domain Check is basically that you can have a quick display of all your domain names and SSL certificates and easily what’s coming up for renewal or expiration and make sure multiple people are getting alerts. Its a bit of a pain in the butt to set up multiple email alerts for expiration across multiple registrars and SSL certificate providers, especially when dealing with domains or certs provided by clients. Domain Check also keeps a list of what you’re searching so you can see you favorite domains that are available if you aren’t buying your domain name today.

Fresh Coupons and Coupon Codes Delivered Daily

One of the highlight features of Domain Check is the daily coupon delivery. No more searching for coupons and finding they don’t work or going to shady coupon sites searching for a deal. Every day the latest coupons and deals are updated a delivered directly to you. There is finally no excuse for not using coupons! (Something I am guilty of my admins have to remind me of all the time)

Domain Check is an Official Plugin

Yes, it is true, Domain Check is an official WordPress plugin! You can download the latest version from WordPress to manage all of your domains and SSL certificates and easily keep the latest version up-to-date. Use your WordPress blog as a dashboard for managing your domains and make sure

Using Google Webmaster Tools Disavow Links, Disavow Backlinks, Disavow Domains

Google Webmaster Tools Disavow Backlinks is Dangerous

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damage you do with this tool. You use Google’s tool at your own risk.

Finding a Link to Google Webmaster Tools Disavow is Annoying

So here is the link to the Google Webmaster Tools backlink disavow: Google Webmaster Tools Disavow. You’ll need Google Webmaster Tools access for the domain you’re working on. I put a nice target=”_blank” on that link because you’re going to come back here in a few seconds when you realize they’ve given you the keys to the nuke and no instruction manual.

Seriously, Be Careful With The Disavow Tool

Using the Google disavow backlinks tool is dangerous, if you’re not sure what you’re doing you can destroy your site. Google makes that pretty clear. You’ll be permanently telling Google to ignore certain backlinks to your site. It cannot be undone. Backlinks make the juice flow so you better be damn sure you’re ready to nuke them or you’ll likely drop in the SERPs. Like anything dangerous this isn’t a toy so don’t play around with it.

You Use a .txt File to Disavow, But Google Doesn’t Tell You The Format

If you don’t know how to create a flat .txt file in your life this isn’t the article for you. You need to find someone to help you. The format is simple, each resource you wish to disavow is separated by newlines (\n). You can have fully qualified URLs, (protocol, subdomain, domain, page, query strings) or you can disavow entire domains using the “domain:” prefix. Disavow by URL is very limited, but Disavow by Domain… now you’re playing with fire.

Disavow URL vs. Disavow Domain

Disavow URL

There’s a big difference in these two and Disavow URL mostly sux. When you disavow a URL you are disavowing something very, very specific. It is a URL in Google’s system, which means that it is the unique combination of protocol, domain, subdomain, directories, page, and query string. What does that mean in English? It means that if you are using URLs to disavow backlinks you have to list every… single… variation. Here’s a sample of just a few possible variations for just the homepage for an example domain:


That’s way too much work. You’d need to do that for pretty much every possible page for every backlink and even Google doesn’t give you a totally complete dump of all your backlinks. Not to mention there are infinite possibilities so its not ever going to work if you are getting backlink spammed.

Disavow Domain

Disavowing a URL is pretty weak. Its so targeted you really aren’t getting much done. That’s the reason disavow by URL is the default, so people don’t shoot themselves in the foot and accidentally ruin their website. But if you just take the root domain, (not but and apply the prefix of domain: then you can get rid of an entire shitty domain and whatever URLs they are backlinking to you on. This is why you need to be careful. Maybe you’re not sure what a domain really is but it was giving you juice or deep links, but you just disavowed all backlinks from that domain. You have just permanently removed that site from EVER being able to give you juice. However, this is amazing for when people black hat you because you can nuke whole domains at time. Ex:

You Need More Disavow .txt File Samples

You are a needy person, I just covered this. Here is a lame sample because if you need this you probably shouldn’t be messing with it.

You Have Work Left

Just because you’ve disavowed backlinks on Google doesn’t mean Google has disavowed those backlinks. You still need to have the actual links removed to be fully clear of their spam juice. That’s nearly impossible in most cases, but if you think its doable then do it because Google specifically says you need to do that. Now you know how to format your text file for Google Webmaster Tool Disavow Backlinks. Good luck… O_O

Here is the Link to the Disavow Backlinks Tool

Git Yer White Hot Bernie Sanders Profile Picture at Rainbow Filter

Rainbow Filter has a Bernie Sanders Profile Picture to Filter Your Profile

Was cruising around the Rainbow Filter profile picture site and came across this gem of a profile picture filter: the Bernie Sanders profile picture filter. It’s pretty incredible as it isn’t a nice overlay on your profile but actually just turns your entire profile pic in to a blue Bernie Sanders face. The election isn’t for another bazillion days but I have a feeling sometime in 2016 that I’m gonna be seeing some ppl change their profile picture to Bernie Sanders.

Don’t Want a Bernie Sanders Profile Picture? What About a Donald Trump Profile Picture?

Not trying to discriminate against any other candidate in the race here so I guess I have to mention they also have a Donald Trump profile picture filter. Like Bernie it also pretty much just turns your face in to Trump. And just like the Bernie ones I’m sure we’ll see these profile picture filters more and more the closer we get to the presidential election.

Is There a Feel The Bern Filter? Is There a Make American Great Again Filter? Is There? Is There? Are We There Yet?

Oh yes indeed they do have a Feel the Bern filter and a Make American Great Again filter in case you need even more 2016 elections filters. I can’t wait to have no idea who anyone is on any social network because everyone is either a campaign slogan or just outright replaced their face with the face of Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump.