Legend of Linkle? NOPE. Legend of Link? NOPE. Legend of Zelda? YEP.

Sorry Linkle, Its the Legend of Zelda Not the Legend of Link

Linkle is lame but she got me thinking conspiracy: these games are definitely not The Legend of Link. Zelda is a ninja, princess, sorceress, ruler of the kingdom, interspecies ambassador, and wears one the most badass costumes in all of video gaming tarif du viagra. She has a secret superhero alter ago and sneaks out of the castle to kick ass. Link is a gnome-hat wearing country bumpkin who lives in a freaking tree/shack with his uncle. Zelda is cosmopolitan nobility who lives in a castle with legendary lineage. Link is carrying the sword because magic says he has to, but Zelda sets up the entire world-saving quest like tee-ball for him. In fact Link carries around all the heavy shit for her AND the magic bag AND does the shitty parts of the quest. Zelda is the fucking CEO of Hyrule. Link’s always asking her what he should do next because he’s amateur hour. Zelda doesn’t change form in the Dark World, she is already her true form, and Link turns in to a fucking rabbit. That’s not legend status. Zelda even has to teach Link fresh tunez on his Ocarina. Link plays second fiddle. If you squint hard enough it almost looks like Link is pretty much Zelda’s ride-or-die bitch. Apparently in the comic Zelda even kills Ganondorf. With a shot from her… wait for… silver crossbow. Fuck Linkle, there’s some deeper shit going on here: have we been playing as the sidekick the whole time!? Zel-da! Zel-da! Zel-da!