DamnDanielRemix.com – Back At It Again With Them Random Websites, Damn Daniel Remix

It is Impossible to Resist the Damn Daniel Remix so Try DamnDanielRemix.com

Listen to the Damn Daniel Remix. I don’t know why I’m obsessed with getting in on the weird Internet shit that goes down but I decided to to an entire .com about the #DamnDanielRemix phenomenon. I went around collecting some of the best Damn Daniel Remixes around and put the all on one site at DamnDanielRemix.com. There’s the original amazing club banger I looped while I was making the site and then some other versions as well: rap, trap, dubstep, and tons of genres.

Why Damn Daniel? What is Damn Daniel

Seriously? If you don’t know about Damn Daniel you don’t know anything about the Internet. Its pretty much going down as one of the most major viral sensations on the Internet in 2016. You can see the original on the site. For some reason I’ve been saying it endlessly, I’ve been playing the remix endlessly, and I wore white Vans in the skateboard marathon last so young Daniel really speaks to me. I was obsessed, now I’m over it, but I had to make the Damn Daniel Remix website first to quench my thirst. Stay thirsty my friends.

Did You Not Click Yet? Find the Best Damn Daniel Remix at DamnDanielRemix.com #DamnDaniel!

Just When You Thought the Internet was Safe Here’s Trending Domains!

Domain Check Added a Nifty Trending Domains Page

If you caught the earlier post on the recent birth of the impish Domain Check Twitter account then you’re in for a treat; Domain Check has just released a full page dedicated exclusively to trending domain names. This is basically a view for the same data set of trending topics, hashtags, and breaking news that the Twitter bot pulls on to create the tweets. Each day the previous day’s trending domain names are archived so you can aimlessly page back through the domain name ideas and laugh at what a full site dedicated to some of these trends would be like. Its also an easy way to go back and find a trending domain that may have caught your eye earlier from the Domain Check Twitter or the Domain Check Facebook.

Let Other People Be Creative

It can be a bit of a pain in the ass to get creative with a brand name or domain so its always good to have some extra help to get the creative juices flowing. Just paging through a few days worth of amazing Twitter hashtags may very well be enough to kick your brain in high gear or at least get a few chuckles. Its definitely a fun tool, check out the trending domains at Domain Check

Missed the link? Click here for Trending Domain Names at Domain Check!

New WordPress Plugin is Live! Check out Domain Check

Just Launched a WordPress Plugin: Domain Check!

One of the reasons this blog has been lagging behind in awesome content is because its been building up a backlog of awesome content until this moment because Domain Check has launched! Domain Check is a WordPress plugin born of my own needs from years of working at web companies. You have no idea how complicated it gets when you have multiple, possibly hundreds of, domains and SSL certificates all coming up for renewal with various internal properties and clients and what’s parked and what shouldn’t be renewed… you get the idea. There’s no comprehensive tool out there for managing your domains within your WordPress admin, so Domain Check was created.

Domain Check Features

A quick overview of Domain Check is basically that you can have a quick display of all your domain names and SSL certificates and easily what’s coming up for renewal or expiration and make sure multiple people are getting alerts. Its a bit of a pain in the butt to set up multiple email alerts for expiration across multiple registrars and SSL certificate providers, especially when dealing with domains or certs provided by clients. Domain Check also keeps a list of what you’re searching so you can see you favorite domains that are available if you aren’t buying your domain name today.

Fresh Coupons and Coupon Codes Delivered Daily

One of the highlight features of Domain Check is the daily coupon delivery. No more searching for coupons and finding they don’t work or going to shady coupon sites searching for a deal. Every day the latest coupons and deals are updated a delivered directly to you. There is finally no excuse for not using coupons! (Something I am guilty of my admins have to remind me of all the time)

Domain Check is an Official WordPress.org Plugin

Yes, it is true, Domain Check is an official WordPress plugin! You can download the latest version from WordPress to manage all of your domains and SSL certificates and easily keep the latest version up-to-date. Use your WordPress blog as a dashboard for managing your domains and make sure

Git Yer White Hot Bernie Sanders Profile Picture at Rainbow Filter

Rainbow Filter has a Bernie Sanders Profile Picture to Filter Your Profile

Was cruising around the Rainbow Filter profile picture site and came across this gem of a profile picture filter: the Bernie Sanders profile picture filter. It’s pretty incredible as it isn’t a nice overlay on your profile but actually just turns your entire profile pic in to a blue Bernie Sanders face. The election isn’t for another bazillion days but I have a feeling sometime in 2016 that I’m gonna be seeing some ppl change their profile picture to Bernie Sanders.

Don’t Want a Bernie Sanders Profile Picture? What About a Donald Trump Profile Picture?

Not trying to discriminate against any other candidate in the race here so I guess I have to mention they also have a Donald Trump profile picture filter. Like Bernie it also pretty much just turns your face in to Trump. And just like the Bernie ones I’m sure we’ll see these profile picture filters more and more the closer we get to the presidential election.

Is There a Feel The Bern Filter? Is There a Make American Great Again Filter? Is There? Is There? Are We There Yet?

Oh yes indeed they do have a Feel the Bern filter and a Make American Great Again filter in case you need even more 2016 elections filters. I can’t wait to have no idea who anyone is on any social network because everyone is either a campaign slogan or just outright replaced their face with the face of Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump.

First Post! Server Is Live On EC2 with WordPress…

Hello World, EC2, and WordPress

Its really not a big deal to get a server running in a new deployment with Amazon AWS EC2 and WordPress (WP). You can find tons of articles all over the Internet if you don’t have the knowledge yourself. For a typical WordPress deployment I don’t even normally recommend running an EC2 server given the ops overhead of an EC2 deployment. But if you’re well past a hello world and comfortable spinning up servers in the cloud then EC2 is the obvious choice. If you aren’t technical you’re better off using someone like Bluehost and their WordPress install.

Create an Instance, Have a Key

I picked Ubuntu because I’m lazy. If you’re using WordPress stock to get running you should be running a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack to save some hassle. That is pretty much some AWS 101 stuff we’re not looking at that here. Sorry kiddies. If you’re using EC2 you need SSH keys through AWS IAM. Get your shiz running, SSH on to your server, sudo and then come back.

Confusing Code

This will either confuse you or this is some simple shit for you. Take what you need from here if you don’t have it installed.

sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
sudo apt-get install php5-geoip
sudo apt-get install php5-intl
sudo apt-get install php5-curl

a2enmod expires
a2enmod deflate
a2enmod rewrite

wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/

Setup for EC2 and WordPress details

As usual WordPress annoyingly unpacks in to a wordpress directory. Setup your Apache vhost to point to /var/www/html/wordpress or wherever you installed WP. Then follow the usual nonsense of setting up WordPress.

Create a database and a database user with a password. Don’t forget to grant the permissions. Copy the wp-config-sample.php over and set the values for your DB user. Create your .htaccess file, don’t be a shmuck at least use htpasswd on your wp-login and wp-admin. What’s the point of EC2 if you’re not gonna trick this sucker out?

htpasswd -c /var/www/html/.htpasswd yourhtpasswdusername

WordPress .htaccess file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

<FilesMatch "wp-login">
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Wordpress Login"
Require valid-user

<FilesMatch "wp-admin">
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Wordpress Admin"
Require valid-user

Done? Done. DONE. Wait…

I mean kinda? Go to your URL and you’ll see the installation process. After that apparently there are a million fields to fill out. And let’s not forget your whole situation with root owning the files in /var/www/html and what about FTPing and your SSH keys with user permissions and how WordPress updated its themes and plugins… OH WOW. Yeah, see, you just installed WordPress on EC2 and there it is glowing brightly in the night with a default theme and post and you realize… a dev’s work is never done.

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