A Troublesome Imp Is Born: Domain Check Autotweeting Trending Topic Dot Coms

Domain Check Now Tweets Available Trending Dot Com Domain Names

Before you go any further, be sure to follow it @domaincheckplug

As you would expect with anything retweeting anything from Twitter the results of the available .com domain names from the Domain Check Twitter Bot are predictably hilarious on occasion. Thankfully the Domain Check Twitter Bot is just a reflection of what is actually happening on Twitter and not tweeting this ridiculous stuff on its own. Some of the hashtags and trending topics it retweets are actually pretty good and a few of the domain names flirt with staying power. Its surprising what’s taken and what’s not registered yet, everything from gems like demtownhall.com to strippernamefails.com.

Gotta Stay Relevant

Definitely worth following Domain Check on Twitter for a few days, and since its a quick thing to digest with no clicking necessary it makes the .com names it puts are are like good one-liners

Domain Check Twitter if you missed the link, @domaincheckplug

Domain Check Plugin if you want to look up domain names and SSL certificates